I have been experimenting with how to post a video on the blog and I finally figured it out today! In order to hear the videos, you'll have to pause or stop the music on the playlist at the bottom of the blog. I am posting two videos that I took earlier today. The first one is of Stephen at church this morning. He plays this nerdy character called "Gordo Finkenhoffer" and they do skits for the kids on Sundays that teach different virtues and Bible stories. The girls get a kick out of watching him whenever he's in the skit. I used to play a character named "Molly", however, I haven't gotten back into it since I had Logan. What you see in the video is what happened at the end of the sketch - I wish I could have gotten the whole thing . . . it was quite hilarious . . .
This video is of Logan in his Rainforest Jumperoo today bouncing like a maniac! Usually, whenever I try to record him, he stops bouncing, but today I got actual footage! :) He is 7 months old today - still can't believe it!
I have been wanting to post some pictures of my nephew, Tyler, however I am having trouble posting the pictures that were sent to me. He was born last Monday, July 1st and has been in the NICU over in College Station ever since. He has been taken off of the ventilator, but is still receiving oxygen through his nose. He is doing better, but won't be released to go home until he can drink from his bottle (which he is not wanting to do). Please continue to pray that he will make progress and be able to go home this week! Stephen and I went to see my brother, Jason, and his wife, Andrea on Thursday, but we were not allowed to go into the NICU to see Tyler. We are very anxious to be able see him and hold him!