This blog is about the day to day happenings of our family as we try to raise our children in a Godly way. Thank you for joining us on our adventure! I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
Here's a video of Logan that I just thought was too cute! This was on our way to church yesterday and he was just a happy little fellow clapping and singing to the music.
Avalon was in town this weekend and they were supposed to be attending an event, but it got cancelled for some reason. So, they called FOTW and asked if they could come by and sing. Evidently, Greg Long, one of the members, used to be a worship leader there and is good friends with alot of the church staff. We got there early and sat on the front row. We even got to talk to Greg Long for a little bit - he was walking around down front right before the service started. Here is one of the video clips I took of them singing one of their most popular songs, "Testify". It was soooooo awesome! We waited afterwards to get autographs and pictures with them, but they never came out. I think they were getting ready to sing for the next service. Oh well, maybe next time. At least I got some awesome video.