Wednesday we headed back up to Jewett for my nephew Tyler's first birthday. It's hard to believe that one year ago he was in the NICU having trouble breathing and we couldn't even see or hold him. Praise God that he is one healthy fellow today and you would never know he had a rough start. Tyler and Logan are about seven months apart and Tyler is just as big as Logan is.
His party was outside at their home and had all kinds of fun games and actvities. Uncle Jason also grilled some yummy hot dogs! Here are some pictures from the par-tay........
Here's the birthday boy in a pool just his size!

Here's Papaw with the birthday boy chillin'
on the front porch!

The girls with their cousin Taylor
cooling off in the Zebra pool!

Logan swingin' with Papaw!

Everyone really enjoyed Uncle Jason's playset he built this summer. It looks alot like the one we have in our backyard.

Here's Logan ready to par-tay!

Uncle Jay was hosin' them down!

The Egg Race

The Ball Toss

Here's Uncle Jay trying to decide
how he's going to hang the birthday

Logan was trying to be a big helper by
sweeping the grass.

Here's my little man taking his best swing at the pinata.
Wait a didn't do anything!
Oh well - I'm cute and that's all that matters!
Here's Leah giving it her best shot!

Lauren had some really good swings too!
It finally busted and the kids made a beeline for all the loot!
We had a great time at your party Tyler - happy first birthday!!!!