The birthday boy!

Here's Wyndell and Marcus gettting a few slices of meat!

Stephen and our good friend, Jeff.
Jeff works for HPD so he keeps us all
in line. LOL!
Early Saturday morning we headed downtown to the Children's Museum for another birthday party. Stephen's cousin, Ben, has a little girl named Regan and she turned 2 this weekend. We actually had never been to the Children's Museum, but I can definitely say we will be going back.....it was very neat! The girls did NOT want to leave! I told them that maybe we could come back during Spring Break so they could have more time to do everything. Here are some pictures of the things they enjoyed most about it.....
Working as cashiers in the "HEB Market"
Here's a quick video of them in action.....
Just scootin' around!!!
Pretending to be veterinarian's at the Animal Care Clinic. Lauren especially loved this
because she would love to really have this job one day and she was a vet for Halloween this past year.
Logan was chillin' in his cool shades waiting
for cake and icecream!
Logan wasn't too sure what to think about the museum.....he just had to touch everything!
Then, yesterday afternoon we headed over to our friend Bayley's first birthday party. Bayley is Logan's friend from Ms. Cheryl's house and I teach with her mommy. Check out this awesome birthday cake made by our friend, Brandy! It was very yummy!
Logan and his buddy, Kooper.
Kooper's mom caught Logan being silly on the stairs!
This is a picture of the birthday girl and her mom, Brandy and Dylan, Jill and Kooper, and me and Logan. We all teach 2nd grade together and have kiddos around the same age.
Here's the girls posing with some
of Bayley's other friends at the party.
I think Bayley likes the Little People
blocks we gave her for her birthday!
It was a busy weekend, but so fun to celebrate with great friends and family. Next weekend, we'll be celebrating Mawmaw's birthday up in Huntsville - can't wait!