Last Friday my good friend, Allison, and I went to the 2010 Twilight Convention at the Galleria in Houston. We discovered a while back that we both
love the Twilight series and are both "Team Edward" fans. So, it just seemed natural for us to go to the convention when we found out it was coming to Houston. It was actually all weekend long, however, we mainly wanted to see Peter Facinelli, aka Dr. Cullen. They even offered "Breakfast with the Wolf Pack" on Sunday morning, but we were all about seeing the vampires - we figured it was the closest to Edward we would ever get in real life. LOL!
Stephen tagged along with us and we actually had a blast! I was so giddy and starstruck, it wasn't even funny!
Here we are checking in at the
Westin Galleria Hotel.

We decided to leave a few questions
for "Carlisle" to hopefully answer for
us while he was on stage.
We made it!
MUCH love for the vampires!!!
NO love for the werewolves!!!

I got called on stage to play a Twilight Trivia game.....the questions were really hard so I didn't do very well...........Yet another reason I need to reread the series this summer.........

Here's a few close up shots of Peter..............*sigh*
I loved how he walked around in the crowd and didn't just sit on stage the whole time. He was very interactive with the audience and we loved every minute of it!

My autographed picture of Dr. Carlisle Cullen......he looked
sooooooo different in person.

My encounter with Carlisle was great......very nice guy! A moment I'll never forget!