Well, we survived the first day with ease! It was a smoothe day all around . . . I got to school really early with the girls (which doesn't happen too often) while Stephen dropped off Logan at Ms. Cheryl's. He said Logan did very well - no tears and went right in with no problem. Logan had a great first day as well and made two new friends, Allison and Brady. Ms. Cheryl said they were busy helping take care of "Baby Logan", and I told her that he was definitely used to that with his two sisters at home. Stephen came up to school to walk the girls to their clas
s and said that they also went right in with no hesitations. I was able to see them several times throughout the day in the hallways and at lunch so that was nice - Leah was very easy to spot with her hot pink cast! Speaking of her cast, she had her doctor's appt. after school today and he said that next Friday she will get her smaller cast that is waterproof (yeah!) She will wear that one for about 7 to 10 days, and then the bone should be healed and she should be good to go!
The girls were so excited to tell me about their first day of school . . . they even came home and "played school" this afternoon which I thought was so cute. They were telling their stuffed animals (which were their "students") - One, two, three . . . Eyes on me! It was so funny to listen to them role play as the teacher. I know this is going to be a great year for them and I'm excited
about all the fun things they are going to get to do and learn. Anyway, everyone is tired after a long day so bedtime is calling . . .until next time . . .
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