Sunday, January 4, 2009

Friday Night Shenanigans

Friday night. 6:30 p.m. A group of "innocent" teachers (plus a nurse) gather to play Bunko, eat, chat, laugh, and have a blast together.

Then. Things change. Someone in the group yells "Ca-caw"! We all immediately spring into action. For you see, that simple word, "Ca-Caw", is a code word for a very important mission. The mission??????

Operation Pocahontas!

Time passes...... now 10:30 p.m. Imperial Oaks neighborhood. to wrap as many houses we can of people that we work with. leave their driveway marked with this everlasting message below.........

When you pull off a mission at this
magnitude.....there are certain
things you MUST have.

#1 - Get-away drivers
(we actually had two) - who are
both pregnant by the way.

#2 - You must know how to
assume the position in the back
of the get-away truck to hide
from suspecting neighbors.

#3 - A window to hang out of and
make silly faces such as this.

#4 - A group of nuts willing to
jump in and out the back of the
get-away truck in a
hurry. Hoods and glasses as
a disguise are helpful too.

#5 - Must be in good physical shape
and must be able to do two things
at once - hold onto toilet paper
while running for your life trying
not to get caught.

#6 - Look good wearing toilet
paper on your head such as Amanda
seen here.

#7 - Must be able to jump the back
of the truck while holding multiple

#8 - Be very sneaky.......heehee...

#9 - Look good in war paint.
urhhhh...I mean chalk.......

#10 - Have fun!

Can you tell I work with the most awesome people ever?

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