Thank you all so very much for your thoughts and prayers for my sweet Leah today. After a visit to her orthopedic surgeon on Monday, we found out that she would need surgery to straighten the bone that she broke this time in her left arm. He said he wanted to do it today and not wait so that's what we did. My mom came down spent the night (and of all days it was her birthday today). She got Lauren ready and off to school (thanks Jen for picking her up today). Then, she stayed home with Logan today and enjoyed having some one on one time with him. MawMaw says he is quite a little monkey man......more on that later. Anyway, so Stephen and I were off to the Tomball Regional Hospital at 5:30 a.m. - way to early for a family that is in no way, shape, or form, morning people. We had to go to Tomball because that is where our doctor would be today - he has offices in several areas including The Woodlands and Tomball. They told us the surgery would take about 30 minutes......well, after about 45 minutes we were starting to wonder. I really needed to go to the restroom but I knew as soon as I got up they would probably come out and call us back. I ended up going and sure enough......Stephen said as soon as I walked into the restroom, a nurse came out and said that Leah was fine and the surgery was going well. However, it was going to take about 30 minutes longer than they had thought and it was going to be more extensive than he had thought because he couldn't set the bone without using some sort of device....pins, rod, etc. We were okay with this news only because he had told us that this would be a possibility from the start. And, actually, what they ended up doing was inserting a plate with 4 screws to hold the bone straight because the pins and rods were not going to hold......that's how bad the break was. So, thirty more minutes go by and they come and tell us she is out of surgery and that we should be able to come back and see her in 20 minutes or so. Well, 30 minutes passes and we hadn't heard anything and I'm thinking......Lord help me! Thank God for anxiety pills! Here's a picture of her arm after the procedure - the darkened part you see is the plate and the screws they inserted.

So, thirty more minutes go by and they come and tell us she is out of surgery and that we should be able to come back and see her in 20 minutes or so. Well, 30 minutes passes and we hadn't heard anything and I'm thinking......Lord help me! Thank God for anxiety pills!
On a side note about that, Stephen informed me that he was at a disadvantage today because he had no anxiety pills to take.... hence the reason he was so emotional and worried about it all.
Then, the nurse comes out and says that Leah was in recovery, but she was having trouble breathing. Again, Lord help us! She was congested before surgery today and they said that is very common for little ones to come out of anesthesia coughing and needing a breathing treatment. Sooooo, they would not allow us to see her until that was done. Finally, we were able to go back and see our baby girl and we were so proud of her. She was so brave, didn't cry at all, and didn't complain of any pain at all! The doctor was really amazed at her - she's a tough little cookie is what he told us. We got home around noon and Leah slept most of the day. The doctor even called to check on her which I thought was very nice for him to do that. Lauren was excited to ride home with my friend, Jill (thanks Jill) and to bring many, many cards from all her friends at school. I could tell that she had been worried about Leah so she was very glad to finally see her sister. So, all in all, things went well and we are glad it is all over with and are praying for a speedy recovery for Leah and also for no more injuries or broken bones. We've had enough to last for a very long time!
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