Tonight the girls put on their outfits for the 100th day of school this coming Friday. Stephen and I were cracking up at how cute the girls were. My friend Melanie at work let us borrow some of her daughter's tea party stuff which fit the girls perfectly! All of the kindergarten students will be dressing as if they're 100 years old and are having a parade as well as other festivities throughout the day. We wanted to have a "trial" of what it would look like......mostly in hopes of avoiding all meltdowns on Friday morning. We even tried putting the baby powder in the hair to see how it would look. They weren't exactly thrilled by the fact that we were sprinkling Logan's "butt powder" in their hair, but they let me do it anyway. You can probably tell by the looks on their faces in the pics below that Lauren is
WAY more into this than Leah is. Leah has made several comments already about not wanting to dress as an old lady, but with alot of coaxing I think she will do it. She refused to walk in the perfect attendance parade earlier in the year, so we'll just have to see how this goes. She is the type that does not like alot of attention on herself and people staring at her. However, she has done well with all the attention from her cast (which by the way she is supposed to get removed tomorrow if her x-ray looks good). Anyway, enjoy the pics!

Logan was not quite sure what to
think of his sister's new apparel.
He wanted the glasses OFF!!!
1 comment:
hi i just found your blog and was wondering where your kids go to school at? my daughter goes to heritage elementary and is in kindergarten but they are making a shirt, hat, or jacket that has 100 things on it. it is their choice which one. the outfits are very cute!
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