"Are you watching me?"
"Hmmmmm...this could be
Here's a video of the girls participating in one
of the activities at the party. They had a blast!
Now, on to the RODEO!!! Stephen and I took the girls yesterday....first time either of us had been in years.....I'm talkin' YEARS!!!!! We really did not know what to expect! First of all, trying to enjoy the rodeo at the same time as all the other 72,000 Jonas Brothers fans was probably not the best idea in the world. I have never seen so many people in such a small compacted space in all my life - not even Disney, believe it or not. If I'm going to walk around in hot crowds like that, I'd rather be at Disney than walkin' around smellin' cow poop! The outside festivities would have been much more enjoyable if it had not been so crowded. We were able to do a few things. The girl's got to do this "Fun on the Farm" activity which was for all aged kids. They got
to go through these stations just like a real farm and at the end, they took their items to the market" and got paid money to buy a snack in the General Store. It was a really neat idea
and learning experience for them.
Standing in line at the
"farmer's market"
Sorting their items
at the market
Daddy and the girls being silly
Entering the Dairy Barn
Lauren milking a cow
(don't worry - it's not real!)
Leah milking a cow
After hanging around outside for a while, we finally made our way into the Stadium to find our seats for the rodeo and concert. The rodeo was neat, but a little bit too long I thought. The girls kept asking where the Jonas Brothers were. Finally, after about 2 hours of rodeo fun, they made their way onto the stage and I don't think I've ever heard screams like that in my life! You would have thought it was the Beatles coming out or something. Girls were screaming, crying, and carrying on. I must admit, it was quite exciting! Be sure and check out the slideshow I put at the top of the blog. I ended up getting some really good pictures!
Here's a video of them singing part of the song,
"Lovebug", which is one of their big hits.
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