On the last day of school, the girl's had an awards program in their classroom. Here they are before the program started.

Leah was presented with "The Sunshine Award". Mrs. Keenan said it was because she was always bringing sunshine to their classroom with her happy smile!

Lauren was presented with "The Peace Maker Award". Mrs. Keenan said this was because Lauren was always wanting everyone to get along and be happy in their classroom.

Mrs. Keenan also presented every student with a gift from her - a summer journal that she made each of them with a sweet letter to them and a picture on the front cover. I am so proud of each of them and I cried alot during the ceremony. I am sad that they are no longer kindergarteners, but I am excited they will be first graders next year.

The girls had a day with Daddy on Saturday and we to see the new movie, Up. Then, they went out to lunch at Sonic. They had a great time - lots of laughs!
Here's a picture of Janna Long and Greg Long with their daughters watching the baptisms. They are two of the singers from one of my favorite christian groups called Avalon. I have seen them in concert many times. They have been helping lead worship at our church for the past several weeks. Greg got his start at our church so they are good friends with the staff here so they come and visit quite often. I wanted to ask them for their autograph and take more pictures up close, but it seemed kind of like an inappropriate time. I tried to be sneaky with my camera, but I'm pretty sure Greg noticed I was taking pictures of him. I kind of felt like the papparazzi! YIKES!!!

Here are some pictures I found of them online since the ones I took aren't that great!
There were ALOT of people getting baptized so we had to wait until it was his turn. Here are the girls waiting for Daddy - they were a little concerned about what was going to happen to him in that water and had alot of questions about it.
Here's a picture of Janna Long and Greg Long with their daughters watching the baptisms. They are two of the singers from one of my favorite christian groups called Avalon. I have seen them in concert many times. They have been helping lead worship at our church for the past several weeks. Greg got his start at our church so they are good friends with the staff here so they come and visit quite often. I wanted to ask them for their autograph and take more pictures up close, but it seemed kind of like an inappropriate time. I tried to be sneaky with my camera, but I'm pretty sure Greg noticed I was taking pictures of him. I kind of felt like the papparazzi! YIKES!!!

Here are some pictures I found of them online since the ones I took aren't that great!
Here he is with one of the pastors
They encouraged me to go out into
the water with him. I was a little hesitant
because I did not bring a change of clothes,
plus the water was freezing! I could tell he really
wanted me to so I did and it was awesome!
Praise God!
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