The girls had a great first grade year.....the end came fast and furious......I was able to attend all of their end of year awards ceremonies to see them get all of their hard earned awards - I am so proud of them both!
Here they are with one of the awards certificates they received......

The girls with their teacher, Mrs *J*

Mrs. J invited the parents back to the room for the students to showcase all the things they learned this year......Lauren was chosen to be one of the special song leader helpers......I wonder where she gets that from? :)

Family shot.......Leah looks thrilled, doesn't she?

The end of year carnival at school was a blast as well........I am totally rockin' it with my neon yellow hair!

Soooooo, summer is finally here and the girls are still doing swim team. Their last meet is this Saturday. Then, next week they are attending Vacation Bible School for 4 days and then we leave for Destin on Friday! We're hoping and praying that the oil doesn't ruin our trip. We've got some options for backup plans in case it does. My parents and my brother and his family are going with us so wherever we end up, we'll make the most of it and have a blast! At the end of July, we're going to Colorado with Stephen's about from one extreme to the other! From the hot beaches in Florida to the cold mountains in Colorado......I'm looking forward to a great time and thankful that Stephen's new job is allowing him to take these trips. He has NEVER been able to have time off in the summer since we've been married so it will be nice! I know he is really looking forward to it. God is good and He is faithful for sure!
Well, that's all I can think of for now......I'm hoping to be better about updating this summer......I love to go back and read old posts from summer's past.....the kids change so much in a year's time. TTFN!
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