Leah went in to have her cast taken off today and was suppose to have a smaller waterproof cast put on. However, the doctor felt like her arm was 80-90% healed, so she just has to wear a removeable brace for the next two weeks. She was excited to get her pink cast off, but during bath time she was sitting there with her arm on the side of the tub. She told me she was afraid to move it and wanted to take a bath with the brace on . . . even though the doctor told her she can bathe without it and needs to be moving it around. Go figure!
Although, she was excited to tell me about how they used this special tool to take her cast off, which by the way she was very relieved that they didn't use a knife - since that is what Lauren told her they would probably use. She was also excited that she gets to keep her cast (but now I'm wondering where in the world am I going to keep this thing . . . and what will it smell like in a few years???) YIKES!!!!
When Stephen came to pick her up from school this morning for her appt., we were in the middle of an hour long fire drill. Something mechanical sparked the alarm and it annoyingly continued to go off for an hour. At one point, the alarm stopped, we went back into the building and got halfway to our room, and then it started going off again and we had to turn around and go back out into he heat. Stephen said he drove up and saw the firetrucks and the firemen up on the roof of the school and he was thinking, okay . . . this can't be good. Thankfully, he was able to find Leah's class, get her checked out, and to her appt. on time.
Logan also went to the doctor this morning with Stephen and had his 9 month well check-up and now weighs 23 lbs. 6 oz. He also got his first dose of his flu shot, which Stephen said he did not like very much (and I don't blame him one bit!)
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