Tonight we all enjoyed the evening out together with Stephen's parents (aka - Nanny and Grandad). We went and had some yummy grilled shrimp at Landry's then stayed

around to feed the ducks, turtles, and a huge catfish that was lingering in the water. We wanted to ride the Woodlands Water Taxi, but it was already too full of passengers. Instead, we decided to ride over to the new water fountain display and let the girls run around. Next time we'll go when it's a little bit darker so we can see the water as it lights up at night. We were all discussing how excited we are about our upcoming trip to Disney in

November. We were supposed to have gone last November with Stephen's parents, but when I found out I was pregnant with Logan, my doctor wouldn't allow me to go since it was so close to my due date. Sooooo, we're going this year and my dream is for us to be able to go every year (wishful thinking I know). We took the girls right before they turned 3 back in 2006 and went with my parents. We all had an absolute blast! For those of you out there considering a Disney trip with little ones . . . children under 3 get in free so definitely take advantage of that! Last time we went, we felt like we didn't have enough time to do everything we wanted to do so we said whenever we go back we're going to stay a whole week - so that's what we're doing. We're also staying right next to Magic Kingdom at the Contemporary Resort for easy access to the main parks and a quick trip back to the room for Logan's nap (and Grandad's nap - heehee) if needed! We will be there on Thanksgiving Day this year and I've made reservations for us to have dinner at The Liberty Tree Tavern in Magic Kingdom which is a "Thanksgiving themed" restaurant. I was also able to get us tickets to see Cirque de Soleil, which I have always wanted to see - we're going to see it the last night we are there at Downtown Disney. If you can't tell, I am an absolute Disney finatic and always have been! I remember growing up and we had this little red plastic cup (we called it "The Florida Cup"). Whenever my brother and I had some change or got money for our birthday or something . . . we would put it in this cup. We kept telling my parents that we were going to raise enough money to go to Disneyworld. I'm not sure how much money we ended up saving, but we did get to go when I was around 9 years old. I think my mom said that the money we saved went towards the gas to get there (which by the way we drove in a car that was so fittingly named "Screamin' Meme"). Oh yes, it was interesting, let me tell ya! It was that first trip to Disney, and I was forever hooked. Stephen is now a Disney finatic too . . . surprisingly. When we went back in 2006, he had never been before and wasn't real sure what to expect. His family grew up camping and never did the whole "Disneyworld" thing. However, he had an absolute blast and was hooked instantly . . . he can't wait to go back. We have both decided that one day when the kids are grown, we're going to retire and work at Disneyworld together. We met alot of older couples last time we were there that had done exactly that - how cool would that be???? Can ya tell I'm excited??? Here's a picture of us standing in front of Cinderella's castle when we went back in 2006 . . . Tinkerbell was nice enough to join us for the picture.
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