Saturday we went to a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese for our friend Derek, who turned 6 - he is one month younger than the girls. Logan ran around like a wild man - he kept going back to this one ride that had a steering wheel. For some reason, that is all he wanted to do - sit there and turn the steering wheel! He LOVED it when Chuck E. Cheese came out to sing and dance with all the birthday kiddos. He also liked the mechanical Chuck E. Cheese. I wasn't sure what he would think about it - I still have memories of the girls being scared to death of that mechanical rodent!

Logan missed his usual nap time
because of the party and was
fighting sleep big time!

Logan missed his usual nap time
because of the party and was
fighting sleep big time!

Here's Logan wanting to
touch Chuck E. Cheese
Today we went to church and the girls got to have their pediatrician, Dr. Elahee, as one of their Sunday School teachers. They were really excited about that because they like her alot! We see her at church every week, but this is the first time she has actually been in their classroom as one of their teachers. Actually, the other pediatrician that we see, Dr. Fershtman, attends our church as well. We also saw one of our P.E. coaches from school and several other classmates and teachers at church this morning as well. We are really enjoying attending Fellowship. Last week I signed the girls up for Vacation Bible School in July. They get to take their bathing suits because they will have those inflatable water slides and everything! They are really excited about that. I have also signed them up for a Cheerleading/Dance Camp at the Little Gym and an Art Camp at the Children's Museum. I'm going to keep them very busy this summer so they won't drive me crazy (haha)! I've also printed off the library summer story time schedule - that's a fun weekly event that is free! The library also has a summer reading program - we did it last year, but I think they'll enjoy it more this year since they are reading so well. Leah finished kindergarten reading on a Level 14 and Lauren on a Level 12. A Level 14 is what a first grader should be reading at the end of first grade. So, I am glad to know they are going into first grade way ahead of the game. They have really taken off with their reading and their writing this year - Mrs. Keenan has been sooooooo great for them! I have decided to split them next year for 1st grade, but they'll be across the hall from each other. I know that they will have another great year! This past week, they went on their field trip to Old McDonald's farm. It was supposed to be several weeks ago, but got cancelled because of the stupid swine flu scare. The girls were so disappointed because they weren't sure if it would be rescheduled or not. Well, I was supposed to go, but when I got sick a few weeks ago, I used my last two sicks days. So, Stephen's parents went with them. They met them over there and said it was a blast! They got to feed and pet the animals, ride a train, ride a horse, go fishing, have a picnic lunch, etc. Stephen's dad took alot of pictures, so I'll post some as soon as I get them.
Anyway, I'm sooooo glad to have the day off tomorrow. It couldn't come at a more perfect time! The end of the school year is absolutely NUTS so it's a nice to have a day to try and maintain what little sanity I have left. :)
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