Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I can't believe it's already 2009. Seems like just yesterday it was New Year's 2000 and I was up late freaking out about the whole Y2K Millenium thing. It doesn't seem like that has been 9 years ago - how weird is that? We had a great New Year's Eve here at our house this year. We had some friends over and ate, played games, did a white elephant gift exchange, and fireworks. It has been a tradition to get together with this group of friends now for years - we usually do a get together for Christmas and then again for New Year's. Well, this time, we never managed to get together for Christmas so we had to do our annual White elephant gift exchange for New Year's. No one seemed to was funny to see all of the stuff brought this year. I put together a slide show from last night and in some of the pictures you can see everyone opening their "gifts". Some of the crew left early and then things just got crazy with the rest of us. Well. Not really. But, we did have fun. The adults played a heated game of Taboo (which I haven't played in forever). Meanwhile, the kiddos were in the backyard watching fireworks and in their words, "having a Christmas party". In Taboo, it was girls against guys and we ended up tying - which is bogus.....girls should have won. When you're playing games with Wyndel (who is extremely competitive) there is some fuzzy math scorekeepin' going on if you know what I mean. Anyway, we toasted the new year with everyone and went outside to shoot off our own fireworks - it was a blast! Amazingly, Logan slept through it all......never even made a peep. After everyone left, Stephen and I were so wound up. We cleaned up from the party and then watched Elf which was on TV. We also watched this documentary on DisneyWorld that was on the History Channel. It was so interesting - I never knew there is a whole other world underneath all of the Disney theme parks where the crew and characters hang out. It makes sense though because you never see anyone coming to or leaving from work's sort of like they just appear and disappear. Anyway, I think it was somewhere around 2:30 before we actually fell asleep. Maybe that's why I felt like a had a hangover today - whew.......going back to work is totally going to be for the birds next week.

The girls went to spend a couple of nights with Nanny and Grandad today. I think they needed a change of scenery. They've enjoyed being home and playing with their friends outside, but there's been some drama going on so it was time for a break from that. I think they've had a little too much togetherness here around the house and with the neighbors which equals crank city!

Oh, by the way, I have to post something hilarious that some friends of ours showed us last night. The pastor of Fellowship (the church we've been attending) got up on a roof and tied a dummy to 1500 balloons to see if he would fly or not...... it's been said that people from all over the area were calling in thinking that a real man was tied to those balloons and needed help when they saw it. Oh yes. It's true. Evidently, they do these type of goofy videos all the time and put them on Youtube. I watched several of them tonight - I had no idea they were even on there. There's one of Pastor Kerry getting "Punk'd" just like on the MTV show and also some of him and his wife imitating those Sonic commercials where the husband and wife are sitting in their car. They really are hilarious. Anyway, here's the link to see "Fellowship Fred". It is a must watch!

Speaking of videos that you MUST's one of my little man cruisin' in his new ride he got from Santa. Love it!

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